When I began working out, at the age of 16, it was in my father’s garage on a multigym machine which could do 24 different exercises.
I never thought that I would end up becoming a personal trainer!
I had no idea what I was doing, and followed the little black and white picture booklet that came in the box, with enthusiasm. Hitting out as many reps and sets as I could of each and every exercises, every day. That’s 24 exercises every day. I even started adding bricks to the weights when it got too small for me.
The internet was pretty much non existent back then so there were no “ work out gurus” to follow. In fact, in my home town, most guys just wanted to be huge, me included, just to fit in. I ate badly, trained badly, and got nowhere really. I never wanted to go down the steroids route, so just kept plugging away in a vain hope that I would wake up one morning looking like Arnie.
Fast forward over 20 years. Thankfully those days are gone. I no longer want to be huge, just strong and in shape. After at least 18 years of pumping weights in the gym, I have learned a thing or three. The injuries along the way have also helped me to know how to avoid them , and if needs be recover from them too.
Most importantly of all, those injuries helped me to discover Calisthenics (body weight training to me and you ) and wow, what a difference it has made to my life. More muscle shape, less body fat, and all outdoors in the sunshine .No more being a gym rat for me. Oh , and lesser injuries too.
This eureka moment of discovering what lifting my own body weight can do for me, has created my passion for showing and helping other people to see what it can do for them too.My twenty plus years of taking the wrong roads, and the right ones, means that you can do it right the first time round .
Now as a personal trainer, most of my clients are looking to lose weight and create some muscle (think fitness models, not Mr Olimpia).
If you have found this page, maybe that’s what you are looking for too.
(If you have read this far and are still interested in knowing more – check out my facebook page for up to the minute info)